Pan Macmillan hosts first ever Reading for Pleasure Roadshow

Press Release

London 29 July 2014

Pan Macmillan has hosted the first ‘Reading for Pleasure’ campaign roadshow in association with the Publishers Association at its offices in London’s Kings Cross, offering anyone from across the business a paid day per year to make time for working with and supporting literacy charities.

The Publishers Association’s ‘Reading for Pleasure’ Roadshow initiative brings together charities and organisations in the UK dedicated to encouraging reading and increasing levels of literacy amongst both children and adults with authors and those who work in publishing, and highlights the variety of ways people can get involved to encourage people to read for pleasure.  

Pan Macmillan’s refectory was packed with people from across the business who heard directly from each charity about their work and the variety of ways in which they could ‘pledge’ support. 

Pledges included:

  • Becoming a summer reading challenge volunteer
  • Helping schools celebrate World Book Day
  • Signing up for the Where’s Wally? Fun Run
  • Volunteering as a Beanstalk reading helper
  • Participating in World Book Night

Since the pilot was launched on Wednesday 23rd July 80 members of staff have already pledged support. 

Anna Bond, UK Sales Director at Pan Macmillan said: “The Reading for Pleasure campaign has inspired us to give every member of our teams across the business a paid working day per year to support it in any way that they choose.  We hope that everyone who takes up this offer will enjoy the experience, and that they will be able to help this array of important charities to do even more good work spreading the love of reading.”

Pan Macmillan Editorial Director, Julie Crispwas one of the first people to make a pledge on the day, and added: “Reading is so essential. Not just for literacy or because it’s a good thing to do. But more than anything it offers escapism. Everyone needs a Narnia, Wonderland or Neverland to escape into sometimes.  Helping children to love books and to see the wonders of reading, rather than being afraid or ashamed of it, is essential. And it’s just as important for adults or teens who find reading difficult to work with someone to overcome their own prejudices and fears and to discover the genuine pleasure of reading books. I’ve pledged to accompany an author on a visit to a prison or school for a creative writing workshop.  I can’t think of a nicer way to spend a day.”


Richard Mollet, Chief Executive of The Publishers Association, said:  “We were delighted that so many of Pan Macmillan’s staff came along to hear how they can help raise awareness of the important role literacy plays in our economic and social well-being.  Through the excellent work of reading charities 35 million books have been put directly into the hands of adults and children over the past 5 years, but worryingly46% of 16-24 year olds still don’t read for pleasure.  It is important that those of us who work in publishing play an active role in changing this and are grateful to all at Pan Macmillan for their support.  We now look forward to taking the roadshow to other publishing houses.”