Publications and research

Our work is supported by a research programme which focuses on highlighting the contribution of the UK publishing industry.

We work with different organisations to deliver research reports on strategic areas of interest for the membership.

Recently, this has included working with economic consultancies, political think tanks and charity partners.

We submit responses to government consultations and select committee inquiries and prepare briefing documents on key issues for our members.

We also collate key industry statistics, including our Publishing Yearbook, and carry out an annual industry workforce survey.

  • Policy Areas

  • Publication Types

Found 82 results, showing page 13 of 14

02 April 2017

The Publishers Association’s Annual Report 2016

Along with letters from the President and Chief Executive, our Annual Report contains summaries of our political engagement, communications and research, sector-specific activity, copyright protection, inclusivity and accessibility campaigns, and export services. Our political engagement focused on Brexit, the All-Party Publishing Group, Industry Strategy and European copyright reform, while our communications and research focused on…

12 May 2016

The PA Statistics Yearbook 2015

The PA Statistics Yearbook 2015, now in its eleventh year, is considered by publishers, the government and media to be the definitive guide for statistics and analysis of the UK publishing industry. The figures in this Yearbook should be put into the context of a booming creative economy. The latest government statistics show that the…

02 May 2016

The Publishers Association’s Annual Report 2015

Along with letters from the President and Chief Executive, our Annual Report contains summaries of our political engagement, sector-specific activity, copyright protection, campaigns, products and services. Our political engagement included the re-establishing of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Publishing; engagement with the Europea Commission and key decision-makers on its digital single market strategy; and working…

10 February 2016

Permissions Guidelines

Under UK copyright law, as a general rule, permission should be sought from the rightsholder (usually via the publisher) to reproduce any ‘substantial parts’ of any copyright work (for what are or are not ‘substantial parts’, see below). The Publishers Association Our Permissions Guidelines for UK Publishers aim to assist UK publishers who are approached…

05 May 2015

The PA Statistics Yearbook 2014

The PA Statistics Yearbook for 2014 is the central repository of analysis and statistics on the UK’s publishing sector. Our central mission is to highlight the value and role of publishing on behalf of the industry to its external audiences – authors, readers, libraries, educationalists, politicians and the wider media. Having accurate and up-to-date statistics…

02 May 2015

The Publishers Association’s Annual Report 2014

Along with letters from the President and Chief Executive, our annual report contains summaries of our political engagement, sector-specific activity for consumer, academic, and education publishing, copyright protection, campaigns, products and services. Our political engagement included publishing our first-ever publishing manifesto Publishing for Britain and close engagement with the Intellectual Property Office on a number…
