News and events

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11 November 2022

Parliamentary Book Awards 2022 open for submissions

Publishers are invited to nominate books for this year’s Parliamentary Book Awards. The Parliamentary Book Awards are the only book awards curated by bookshops and voted on by parliamentarians. Launched by the Booksellers Association and the Publishers Association in 2016, the awards aim to celebrate the best of political writing and the long-standing link between politics, books, and publishing.

02 November 2022

Our Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 highlights

Our Senior International Book Fairs Manager, Gloria Bailey, was back at Frankfurt Book Fair this year supporting some Publishers Association members with our Book Fair Services. Here are some of Gloria’s highlights from the fair.

19 October 2022

Five Questions with Dan Conway, CEO of the Publishers Association

Dan became CEO of the Publishers Association in 2022, having previously been the membership organisation’s Director of External Affairs and leading the team responsible for policy, public affairs, communications, media relations, research and statistics. We asked Dan some questions about publishing, his career path and the #BookThatMadeMe.

16 August 2022

Publishers Association supports ‘Books without Borders’ to supply books to Ukrainian children displaced by war

The Publishers Association has been supporting the 'Books without Borders' initiative to help produce 16,000 copies of Ukrainian language children's books to be distributed to Ukrainian refugee children of different ages in the UK. The aim of the initiative is to minimise the disruption to education, unite, and bring back the feeling of home.

15 August 2022

The Publishers Content Forum raise concerns over new copyright exception for text and data mining

The Publishers Association has joined other trade bodies and collective management organisations focused on publishing to raise concerns to the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) about the government’s decision to introduce a new copyright exception that allows any entity anywhere to mine copyrighted text and data for free, for any commercial use.
