News and events

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18 December 2023

Parliamentary Book Awards 2023 Shortlist Announced

The Publishers Association and Booksellers Association are delighted to announce the shortlist for the 2023 Parliamentary Book Awards. Now in its eighth year, the awards recognise excellent political writing across three categories: Best Non-Fiction/Fiction by a Parliamentarian, Best Memoir/Autobiography by a Parliamentarian and Best Political Book by a Non-Parliamentarian.

20 November 2023

People of Publishing: An interview with Kim Eggleton

Publishing people connect creators and consumers everywhere, bringing stories and ideas to life. The ‘People of Publishing’ campaign was created to celebrate some of the individuals who are at the heart of this process. Kim Eggleton, Head of Research Integrity and Peer Review at IOP Publishing, is one of the eight selected ‘People of Publishing’ within the first cohort.

06 October 2023

Parliamentary Book Awards 2023 Open for Submissions

The Parliamentary Book Awards are the only book awards curated by bookshops and voted on by parliamentarians. Launched by the Booksellers Association and the Publishers Association in 2016, the awards aim to celebrate the best of political writing and the long-standing link between politics, books, and publishing.

12 July 2023

Publishers Association reaches 150 signatures on Publishing Declares

The Publishers Association has today achieved its 150th signature on the Publishing Declares pledge. Launched in 2021, Publishing Declares was created to raise awareness of the sustainability issues most relevant to the UK book and journal publishing industry; to aid the discovery of existing tools and resources and to inspire action that results in sustained behaviour change.

15 June 2023

Five Questions with Antonia Seymour

Antonia Seymour has been at the helm of IOP Publishing since March 2021 having joined IOPP in 2018 initially as Publishing Director. At the beginning of her tenure as President of the Publishers Association, we asked Antonia some questions about career paths, publishing and her #BookThatMadeMe.

08 June 2023

More people turning to books over streaming to ‘escape’ this summer

New polling released today by the Publishers Association has found that people are turning to books and reading as a form as escapism this summer. Second only to watching TV (54%), 33% of respondents say that books offer them the best form of escapism when they are having a bad day. This is ahead of streaming TV (32%), looking at social media (27%), listening to radio (24%), going to the pub (21%), going to the cinema (16%) and listening to a podcast (14%).

23 May 2023

Publishers Association response to the Draft EU Council Conclusions being ratified 

The Publishers Association calls on European lawmakers to involve European publishers as key partners in achieving the aspirations published today. Our academic publisher members operate across Europe and have worked hard and invested in a wide range of models and tools that enable open access, whilst upholding research integrity and quality, and are a key delivery partner in driving value for EU research and researchers.
