News and events

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12 November 2018

New research outlines ‘integral role’ of academic publishing in UK

Academic publishing plays an integral role in the research and innovation ecosystem, according to independent research released today. The report, by Frontier Economics, sets out publishing’s contribution to the innovation cycle, incorporating existing research with stakeholder views. It finds that without the highly specialised and time-intensive tasks carried out by UK academic publishers, innovation may…

02 November 2018

Publishers Association staff elected to IPA Committees

Two Publishers Association staff members were appointed to key Committees of the International Publishers Association (IPA) at their General Assembly held at Frankfurt Book Fair. William Bowes, our Director of Policy and General Counsel, was confirmed as the new Chair of IPA’s Copyright Committee and gave an address with his vision for their future work…

22 October 2018

Outdated tax on digital publications costs £210 million a year and stunts growth

Axing VAT on digital publications could save UK consumers up to £210million and raise demand for epublications, according to new independent research released today that finds “a strong case” for zero-rating. UK readers currently pay 20% more in VAT for ebooks, ejournals, digital magazines and online newspaper subscriptions than their identical printed equivalents, which have…

08 October 2018

Parliamentary Book Awards

Published on Monday 8th October 2018. The Booksellers Association and the Publishers Association are delighted to announce that the Parliamentary Book Awards – the only book award curated by bookshops and voted on by parliamentarians – is returning this year, with submissions opening to all UK publishers from today. The awards will be presented at…

19 July 2018

Value of UK publishing industry increases 5% to £5.7bn

Published Thursday 19th July 2018. The UK publishing industry had a record-breaking year in 2017, with income up 5% to £5.7bn, according to new figures released today by the Publishers Association. The industry is already the number one exporter of books in the world and export income rose a further 8% to £3.4bn in 2017,…

10 July 2018

Film, TV and theatre adaptations of books attract more revenue, viewers and critical acclaim

The UK publishing industry significantly increases the commercial and cultural value of film, television and theatre productions, acting as the foundation of the UK’s £92bn creative industries sector. Research launched today produced by Frontier Economics for the Publishers Association demonstrates the contribution of publishing to the wider creative industries. The Contribution of Publishing to the Wider…

11 June 2018

Audiobooks remain fastest growing sector in digital publishing

Audiobook downloads hit a record £31 million sales last year, up 22%, according to new figures released today by the Publishers Association which mark the start of Love Audio Week. The statistics, pre-released ahead of the Publishers Association’s annual publishing yearbook, show that the audiobook market continues to boom as audio publishers across the UK…

25 May 2018

Government must support cut to tax on reading and learning

Publishers have today called for the UK government to support new powers that would allow VAT to be removed on ebooks, audio books and online newspaper and magazine subscriptions in the UK. At a European Union meeting today (Friday), Finance ministers will discuss new proposals that would allow all member states to reduce the amount…

10 April 2018

The Publishers Association launches a blueprint for UK publishing

The Publishers Association launches A Blueprint for UK Publishing with 10 priorities for government at The London Book Fair. The UK Government must be steadfast in its support for ‘gold standard’ intellectual property rights and radical in its commitment to promoting digital if the £7.8bn UK publishing industry is to make the most of global…

14 March 2018

Piracy, privacy and the Digital Charter

By William Bowes, Director of Policy & General Counsel The UK government recently launched its Digital Charter, designed to make the UK a great place to operate and innovate in the digital space, while managing the risks associated with the internet. The charter will see new norms established and rules drawn up over the course of the next few years, aimed at making the internet work for…

12 January 2018

Andrus Ansip to keynote Charles Clark Memorial Lecture 2018

Delegates at The London Book Fair will this year hear from Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, on the copyright reform package, which aims to update the EU’s copyright laws for the digital age. Ansip was appointed Vice-President of the European Commission with responsibility for the…

12 January 2018

The Publishers Association launches data protection toolkit

The Publishers Association is today launching a new online toolkit for members to help them prepare for the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will introduce widespread changes to data protection laws in Europe. The resources, which have been developed for the PA by law firm Harbottle & Lewis together with technology consultancy Stigmergist,…
