Content Protection and Enforcement

We conduct a range of work and provide services across the area of Copyright Protection and Enforcement. This includes:

Information and advice
Provision of information, advice and support to members on managing their Intellectual Property (IP) and tackling piracy.

Research and insight
Identifying patterns and methods of consumption and key piracy threats across different publishing sectors – instructing studies and surveys to assess the where, why, how and how much

Anti-Piracy Support
Supporting member companies to tackle and disrupt physical and digital format piracy threats, including working with law enforcement and government agencies, advertising and payment providers and intermediaries, such as ISPs and search engines.

Copyright Infringement Portal
An interactive portal through which members can assess and manage key piracy threats independently from their desktop, submit copyright protected titles for monitoring and/or copyright-infringing URLs for take down.

Legal policy and litigation
Identifying opportunities to influence relevant law and policy, and support strategic litigation against prominent pirate services – ensuring that the publishing voice and perspective is heard.

Legal updates
Regularly updating members with changes to laws (both legislation and case law) affecting publishers in the protection of their IP rights.

Training and best practice
Advice and guidance on how best to manage and enforce IP rights and keep content protected.

Collaboration and connection
Bringing together of anti-piracy and legal professionals within the publishing and wider creative industries, including partner trade associations.