Creative Industries Council publishes vision for growth

Press Release

London, 3 July 2014 – The Creative Industries Council (CIC), has launched its strategy to deliver growth across the sector.  The report, Create UK, makes a series of recommendations that, if implemented, will result in growth in the creative industries. To read the report click here               

These recommendations cover five priority areas (access to finance, education and skills; infrastructure, intellectual property; and exports and inward investment) which the Council has identified as being of particular importance to the creative industries and where a concerted focus and effort, by both government and industry, is required.  Recommendations include:

  •  Introducing new fiscal incentives to incentivise investment in the creation and commercialisation of IP in the UK
  • Embedding education on IP in appropriate modules within the national curriculum
  • Requiring the Intellectual Property Office to report annually on how its activities have aided the creation of new creative works
  • Supporting the interests of the UK’s creative industries with relevant international bodies

Speaking at the launch of the report, the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Vince Cable MP and, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Sajid Javid MP, praised the role that the creative sector plays in boosting the UK’s economy and announced £16m in funding for boosting skills in the sector.

Taking place as part of the #CreateUK campaign, a joint industry and Government campaign for the creative industries, this week will also see Thursday 3 rd July dedicated to celebrating the achievements and success of the publishing industry. As well as the CIC report, the campaign has included the launch of the UKTI Creative Industries International Strategy and a #CreateUK poster campaign to promote the economic and cultural contributions of the creative industries.

Richard Mollet, Chief Executive of The Publishers Association said, “The creative industries are a true British success story, with a value that goes beyond just our considerable economic punch. The publishing industry is proud to support efforts by the Government to promote the success of the UK’s creative sector both at home and abroad.”

Dominic Knight, Chairman of Palgrave Macmillan and President of The Publishers Association said, “British publishing is a global leader in inspiring readers, driving innovation, and underpinning education and research.  It makes a solid contribution to the United Kingdom’s domestic and export performance.  The Creative Industries Council strategy will allow publishing, together with all of the creative sectors, to maintain its success in the twenty-first century and to continue inspiring the world.”

The Creative Industries Council

The Creative I Council is a joint industry and government group, co-chaired by Nicola Mendelsohn of Facebook and the Secretaries of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and Culture, Media and Sport.

The Publishers Association

The Publishers Association is the leading trade organisation serving book, journal, audio and electronic publishers in the UK. Membership comprises 114 companies from across the trade, academic and education sectors.  Its core service is representation and lobbying, around copyright, rights and other matters relevant to members, who represent roughly 80% of the industry by turnover.

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