Children having access to books important to UK public 

NewsPress Release
A photograph of a woman and a young boy reading a book together in a park.

People in the UK feel strongly that access to books is important with 92% saying that children having access to books to be able to read for enjoyment was important or very important.

With a new government in power and with children’s time spent reading for pleasure having fallen, the Publishers Association commissioned polling with Savanta about public attitudes to access to books and reading for enjoyment.

Key findings: 

  • 92% thought that Children having access to books to be able to read for enjoyment was important or very important. 
  • 92% agreed that Children should have good access to libraries at school. 
  • 90% thought that Children having access to books at school to be able to take home to read for enjoyment at home was important or very important. 
  • 89% thought that Children being read to at school was important or very important. 
  • 90% agreed that Children should have good access to libraries in the local area. 
  • 90% agreed that Reading is good for mental health. 

Dan Conway, CEO of the Publishers Association, commented:

“It has been alarming to see the decline in children’s reading for enjoyment over recent years, as highlighted by a number of organisations. This new polling shows that people in the UK feel strongly about children’s access to books and the importance of nurturing a love of reading.  

“We are ready to work with the new government to address this pressing issue so that all children and young people can enjoy the benefits of reading.”