Parliamentary Book Awards 2023 Open for Submissions

NewsPress Release

Publishers are invited to nominate books for this year’s Parliamentary Book Awards.

The three categories are:

  • Best Biography, Autobiography, or Memoir by a Parliamentarian
  • Best Fiction or Non-Fiction by a Parliamentarian
  • Best Political Book by a non-Parliamentarian

Publishers can use this form to submit their titles before the deadline on Wednesday 1st November, at midnight. There is no cost for submission and publishers can submit as many books as they wish.

Booksellers will select the shortlist for each category and parliamentarians will then vote to decide the winners. The awards will be presented at a ceremony in February 2024.

The Parliamentary Book Awards are the only book awards curated by bookshops and voted on by parliamentarians. Launched by the Booksellers Association and the Publishers Association in 2016, the awards aim to celebrate the best of political writing and the long-standing link between politics, books, and publishing.

Dan Conway, CEO – Publishers Association said: “We’re delighted to once again be open for submissions for the Parliamentary Book Awards. The PBAs were created to spotlight the best political writing in the UK, and the books selected always offer a diverse look at the current political landscape. We look forward to seeing the shortlist later this year, and celebrating the winners in early 2024.”

Meryl Hall, Managing Director – Booksellers Association said: “The Parliamentary Book Awards are a favourite event in our calendar and the BA takes great pleasure in working with the PA to bring the best political writing to light. The PBAs offer a unique process. Books nominated by publishers, shortlists curated by booksellers and the winners voted for by parliamentarians. 2024 promises to be a significant year in Westminster and we look forward to seeing the candidates and the winners of the PBAs early in the year”.