The PA Comments on DSM Communication from EU Commission

NewsPress Release

Commenting on the Communication ‘Towards a modern, more European copyright framework‘ issued today by the European Commission, Richard Mollet, Chief Executive of The Publishers Association, said: 

“Given the central importance copyright plays in the remuneration of authors and publishers, it is a relief to see that the Commission is beginning to appreciate the need to move carefully and proportionately when proposing changes to copyright law.  The commitment that the proposals will take into account relevant market situations and licensing practices is particularly very welcome.  However, the Commission must provide further information on what they mean by ‘public interest research organisation’ in relation to text and data mining.  This is an incredibly broad term which could encompass many commercial businesses who are well able to pay for licences, and in fact already do so.  

“Changes to legislation should only ever be a last resort and must be backed by robust evidence of market failure.  However, it remains unclear how this approach can fit with the stated general objective of increasing the level of harmonisation.  This apparent tension is something we will be discussing closely with the UK government as it shapes its own response.”