PA Joins Effort to Tackle Poor Literacy Levels in UK

Press Release

25th November 2015

The Publishers Association is delighted to have signed up to the National Literacy Forum’s Vision for Literacy Business Pledge 2016; joining forces with some of the UK’s leading businesses to tackle the challenge of poor literacy. 

The Pledge provides a framework for businesses to help improve literacy levels across the UK. 41 businesses from a wide range of sectors have signed the pledge including KPMG, Boots Opticians and a number of publishers. 

Chief Executive of The Publishers Association, Richard Mollet, said: “Being able to read is vital for a successful future. As well as contributing to the UK’s economic competitiveness, it boosts health, confidence, happiness and social mobility. The PA is proud to strengthen its commitment to improving literacy levels in the UK by signing the Business Pledge, working with Save the Children on the Read On Get On initiative, and our promotion, in partnership with the UK’s literacy charities, of Reading for Pleasure Campaign.”