The PA’s new Copyright Infringement Portal goes live

NewsPress Release

26th March 2015

The Publishers Association’s new Copyright Infringement Portal is now live.  It has been updated to ensure publishers are better able to protect their works in the face of a huge amount of content being made available illegally on websites.  The new service has been developed specifically for The PA and is faster, searches more websites than previously and is more user-friendly. 

The Portal functions by searching and aggregating data relating to identified infringing sites and creates and send a takedown notice, through a simplified procedure.

The system then monitors the sites to establish whether the infringing items have been removed.  This reduces staff time spent on manual search, costs associated with getting appropriate legal checks completed and effort spent on collating compliance results for the rights holder.

Users of the new Portal will be able to:

  • Automatically search hundreds of infringing websites with excellent search accuracy
  • Manually report infringing download links
  • Identify whether infringements have been removed using a visibility indicator
  • Export data and statistics to inform their copyright protection strategies

Richard Mollet, Chief Executive of The Publishers Association, said:

“Helping authors to protect their works from online copyright infringement is a vitally important role which publishers provide.  We are proud that The PA has the facility to help members achieve this.

“The growth of digital revenues across the sector is greatly welcome but we need to be able to ensure that such growth is not marred by a corresponding increase in online infringement.

“Our new, improved, and bespoke, Copyright Infringement Portal, allows our members to quickly identify infringing web links and provides a streamlined way of getting these links taken down.”
Access to the Copyright Infringement Portal is free for PA members; non-members are welcome to discuss licensing terms with The PA. 

Download available here