PA calls for stability and cooperation in IP framework

Press Release

London, 30 September 2014 – Appearing on a panel with IP Minister Baroness Neville-Rolfe at Conservative conference, PA chief executive Richard Mollet called on a future conservative government to stop the carousel of reviews into the IP framework and work with industry to ensure children understand the value of creativity and intellectual property.

“We know from our members that IP is the most important area of policy. This is true across the creative industries. We need the government to stand up for IP businesses, at home and in Europe, to commit to funding the Police IP Crime Unit, mirroring industries own investment in enforcement, and support our efforts to instil education about copyright in the national curriculum.”

The Minister, noting the potential reforms to copyright coming from Europe, believed the Commission could learn from the UK and confirmed that the government would take a supportive line on copyright in these discussions.